The stormwater system in a new sub-division in Pyes Pa, New Zealand was overworked and required maintenance. To divert water away from the development into the wetland area below during heavy rainfall events, an overland path was necessary.
Due to the steepness of the slope, traditional concrete solutions were not considered as it could not be poured and shaped. Concrete Canvas was chosen for the overland flow-path due to its versatility and minimal machine requirements for installation on the slope face.
Geofabrics worked closely with the contractor, Moon Civil and Drainage to create a plan for installing Concrete Canvas in the safest way possible. Lengths of Concrete Canvas were cut from the bulk roll above the slope face and then pulled down the slope into position. This approach reduced the risk of injury to the contractor, as it avoided the need to move a large weight suspended from an excavator on a steep slope.
Within 3 days, a team of four installed and hydrated a total of 600m² of Concrete Canvas in the slope face. This installation process was significantly faster than traditional concrete laying methods and required less machinery for constructing the overland flow-path.
Concrete Canvas® Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat (GCCM)
- A flexible concrete impregnated fabric that hardens when hydrated to form a thin, durable, waterproof and fire resistant concrete layer
- Rapid installation as it can be laid at a rate of 200m²/hour by a three-person team where typical installation speeds are up to 10 times faster than conventional concrete solutions
- Easy to use with portable rolls available, reducing the need for plant onsite
- Lower project costs due to speed and ease of installation
- Eco-friendly solution with a low mass, lower carbon technology which uses up to 95% less material than conventional concrete